
Celestial Crowns

Created by Harlevin

Decide the fate of the kingdom in this visual novel with three branching romantic routes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

350 Follower Present: Leo Microfic | Update | Join our mailing list!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 09:42:28 AM


This party is still going! I can't believe we're already at 108%. I've talked with the team about our plan moving forward and hope to get a concrete schedule for the rest of the art soon! The OST will be complete early next year, so I will be posting teasers of the wonderful music as we go along! 

I have also continued editing Aalam's route. I am currently on scene 20/31. Based on tester feedback, I have been adding in more choices, refining scenes, and fine-tuning characterizations. I think you're going to love it! 

Backers who pledged at a tier that unlocks the sneak peek channel can look forward to some (spoiler-free) writing excerpts.

Our next update will also have some big news! But it has to stay hush hush for now.

Join our Mailing List

While I will of course continue to update Kickstarter, for big announcements or information about future games, consider joining the harlevin mailing list! Check it out here:

Character Intro - Leo

Let's take a look at some side characters!

Character Interview 3 LEO. Q: What made you want to become a knight? A: Who doesn't want to be a knight! Ever since I was a kid I've dreamed of wearing the royal crest, rescuing damsels...with General Sahi training me, I think l've got a shot! Q: What do you do in your free time? A: A knight in training has no free time! But I guess when I'm not practicing I hang out with my sister. She's always asking me to help her with stuff. Q: Like what? A: Like…..well, I let her paint my nails, because she says she needs to practice for the Monarch. Q: So that's Celeste's hobby, what's yours? A: Um, I...I dunno... I like fishing?

Leo is a knight hopeful in the Lauté army! If you play Sahi's route, you will get to meet and learn more about this energetic soldier, and help him achieve his dream of becoming a knight! Leo is clumsy and a bit awestruck by you at first, but once you get him to open up you'll have a loyal friend forever.

350 Follower Present

Leading up to the Kickstarter I said I'd write a romantic Leo microfic if we hit 350 followers! Well we hit it! Here is your present:


The first time Leo saw the Monarch, they were passing by the second-floor window. The sun caught their crown and drew Leo’s eye from the training grounds, and it felt like his heart stopped.

He’d never seen anyone so graceful and poised before. He guessed that was the difference between Royals and normal folk like him.

Then he saw the way they could move with a sword, right on par with the General. It was truly something to behold.

The first time he speaks properly to the Monarch, they’ve stumbled in on one of his private training sessions.

“When I saw you move with a sword, it was truly something to behold.” The words make him feel warm all over.

The monarch offers to help him with his knight training, and of course, he can say nothing but yes. Leo finds it difficult to focus, has to try not to stare while their swords clash.

The more he gets to know the Monarch, the harder it gets. They are so kind, yet firm in their direction. They want him to succeed. It feels nice to have someone believe in him so confidently, like he’d never been able to believe in himself.

The first time they kiss, he’s not entirely sure it isn’t a dream. He’s so startled he can’t even return it, and the Monarch pulls away with a delicate flush.

He’s so embarrassed, so happy, that he laughs. They do too, with that little snort that always lights up his day.

The second time they kiss, he’s prepared enough to kiss back.


So what do you think? Would you romance Leo if he had a route? 🤔

Community Goals

Tumblr: 459/700  | 7/20 fanworks | Steam: 421/1000 wishlists

We're so close to new Discord emotes!