
Celestial Crowns

Created by Harlevin

Decide the fate of the kingdom in this visual novel with three branching romantic routes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

November Update
11 months ago – Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 05:47:01 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Backerkit Surveys | Pledges collected!
12 months ago – Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 01:44:23 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We did it! 🎉
about 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 06:01:47 AM

It's over! 

Thank you to everyone who made this possible! Not only did we meet our goal, we hit a stretch goal! And in the last 24 hours!! Incredible. I cannot thank you guys enough for the support and the encouraging words.

Where do we go from here?

Development continues! I have finished the second draft of Aalam's route and am doing some final programming before sending it off to the beta testers. I'll then be moving on to Sahi's route! 

+ The love letters have been written! I will be getting these to the VAs to record. As soon as everything is wrapped up with the Kickstarter funds and I have the backerkit surveys sent out, they'll be sent to all backers. 

+ The route gameplay video will be streamed on 10/20! I'll be letting chat choose the answers, so join me on twitch (harlevinvns) if you want a say! I'll be recording a clean copy without all my chatter to send out to backers afterward.

+ The artists are arting! There is already a new CG WIP in the sneak peek channel that I can't wait for you guys to see! All backers who pledged at a tier for the special discord channel, I'll be sending out instructions in the backerkit surveys so you can get access to it. 

+ I am adding extra polish to the prologue! In between writing I've been experimenting with new scene transitions, subtle background animations, and planning out extra sprite assets that will be needed for the final game! For example, additional outfits for the LIs in key moments, like...nighttime attire. 😏

I will also be adding in the new skin tones for Terra for our stretch goal! I will share pictures in the discord SOON. 

TLDR, there's so much to do and I can't wait! Development has gone relatively smoothly when you consider the fumble with funding when the first Kickstarter failed. Though it was very discouraging, I told myself to keep writing and I'm glad I did, because now it'll be just a few months until I'm on final drafts! FINAL DRAFTS! Can you believe it? That's crazy. And so far, I have actually stayed within my desired word count instead of going wildly overboard! ...Knock on wood.

I am so excited and promise to bring you guys a game you will love and play over and over again. 🙏🏾 Thank you for helping me make it happen!

450 Followers! Andrea microfic! Did you forget? I didn't!

We hit 450 by the end, just in time for Andrea's microfic! I'm so excited to share it with you all since we don't get to see Andrea in the demo. Here it is, for your reading pleasure.


Andrea thought love was a waste of time. They certainly believed it existed, had seen it between two people. The way their eyes would go dough soft and their activities favored their paramour. Time taking long walks through a field could have been spent making lists. Time holding each other on the nearest soft surface that could have been spent optimizing one’s workflow. Love was real, Andrea was sure. They just preferred to keep it far away from their schedule, which was planned down to the last detail.

That was one reason why falling for the monarch of Lauté was incredibly inconvenient.

The second, of course, was that the Monarch was engaged to Aalam, and was, as such, off limits.

Andrea had never believed in doing things the easy way, but they hadn’t imagined their heart would betray them by feeling the same.

Planning the wedding meant long hours discussing this color or that garment, meant forcing down smiles at the Monarch’s wit and politely refusing when they suggested tea together. The less time they spent with each other, the better, because it was less time spent pining. Andrea had never considered themself a ‘piner,’ yet here they were.

The Monarch returning their feelings was, somehow, even more inconvenient.

The wise thing to do would have been to ignore it, deny it, and never speak of it under any circumstances. Instead, they were locked inside a cramped closet, kissing like they needed it to breathe.

Aalam would be furious when he found out. He’d have every right to be.

He could fire Andrea. He could call off the marriage. He could freeze the room over in a fit of pique.

And yet, still, they did not stop.


Do you guys like the microfics? Would you like to see more? I love these little snippets into 'what ifs' and think it could be fun if there's interest!

Conclusion and Update Schedule

I plan on posting Kickstarter updates monthly from here on out! They will be backer only, this will be the last public update. However, I also update the discord periodically with things I'm working on implementing, so feel free to join me there and say hi! I post screenshots when testing new features, snippets or gifs in writing vibes about the scenes I'm working on, and of course, the CG and BG WIPs will be posted in the locked channel!

I will also be posting weekly long-form updates on Tumblr and, and posting various random things on Twitter/insta/tiktok as inspiration strikes!

If you have any requests or questions like the LI's ideal dates, drop them here or AMA on tumblr anytime!

Well, that's all for me folks... Min out!

3 Days Left!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 08, 2023 at 10:32:04 AM

Hello all, there are only three days left in the campaign! If you were eying an add-on or haven't decided if you want to back yet, now's your chance!

This campaign has certainly been a whirlwind and I'm glad things are winding down. We had a lot of fluctuation and I was worried at times, but it looks like we're going to stay funded. We didn't meet our stretch goals, but I can't complain at all. I'm so grateful that this project of mine will get to see the light of day. In terms of number of people brought on, it's my most ambitious one yet, and I couldn't have done it without your support.


I have officially finished the second draft of Aalam's route. What does this mean? Prose has been polished, dialogue reconsidered, (temporary) backgrounds in place, and basic sprite appearance and disappearances are programmed. I have also finished the second draft of his bad end. I estimate finishing his good and best ends sometime this week, and will be promptly sending the full route to beta testers again. 

Very exciting! I think all of the routes are very different from one another, both content and tone-wise, so there's always a big shift in gears switching between them. But I look forward to implementing tester feedback in Sahi's route! 

Route Gameplay Video

It's pretty clear that Aalam is going to win the route gameplay video poll, which closes in three days. I've scheduled the stream for 10/13. If you'd like to join me on Twitch and watch this first reveal of Aalam's route, feel free! I will be letting the chat make choices and answering questions. 

If you join the Discord you can get the event reminder here.

Follow me on Twitch here.

Recommended Kickstarter

If you like cute things and puzzle games, check out Spirits of Baciu, now live on Kickstarter!

Spirits of Baciu - The Deception is a 2D atmospheric adventure puzzle game in which you'll follow the adventure of a little cat-like spirit lost in the mysterious Baciu forest. Exploring the environment and talking to the other spirits are the only things that can help him getting through the woods, but he definitely doesn't feel welcome here.

Community Goals

473/700 Tumblr followers

7/20 fanworks

544/1000 wishlists

The wishlists seems to be increasing at a steady pace!

Aalam's Voiced Love Letter Unlocked
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 06, 2023 at 10:00:43 AM

Hello all! You guys are the true Celestials! We have unlocked voiced love letters for ALL the love interests!! This is so exciting. I have been holding back writing them, hoping that we'd get all three, and the dream came true! I can't wait to get started on this project. Since the route gameplay video doesn't require anyone but me, that reward will be released first probably, but these voiced love letters won't be far behind. Again, THANK YOU!

Also, Aalam is absolutely SMASHING the route gameplay video poll! This ratio hasn't changed since the first few votes. Sahi and Lune fans, if you want a chance you'll have to turn up!

Aalam's Pinup

In other Aalam news, his pinup is completed! Here's a teaser. 

You can still get these pinups as an add-on! Don't miss out on these spicy snapshots.

Aalam's Route

It is an Aalam kind of day! Today, I'll be working on scene 24 of Aalam's route, where Terra gets to show off their musical chops. Did you know they play the violin? With everything going on, they haven't had much time to practice. But in all the wedding preparations, there might just be time for a little music.

That means there are just 6 more scenes to edit and then the endings! If I keep this pace, I should finish with the route before the end of the Kickstarter, then I'll move on to the endings. These endings are quite long, and that goes the same for all routes. Sahi's best end is 17,000 words, unedited (even if a big chunk of it is just smut 👀). That's nearly 30% of the length of the route, and that's in addition to the 60,000 words of the route itself. While that one will likely stay the longest, I expect Aalam's endings to expand a lot in editing due to scenes I need to flesh out from the first draft. I think they will average about 10,000 words each. I will keep you posted on the final word counts as I finish everything up. 

NSFW Toggle

Just a reminder that Celestial Crowns' NSFW is optional! You can toggle it on and off from the menu. With it off, Celestial Crowns will have a PG-13 rating. For me this means that when spicy scenes occur, they fade to black instead of playing through. They will, however, still occur and characters might reference them in later scenes, still in a PG-13 way.

Community Goals

473/700 tumblr followers

7/20 fanworks

513/1000 wishlists

We passed 500 wishlists! Halfway to our goal 🥳